This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MoreMomentsWithExcedrin #CollectiveBias

Nausea, light sensitivity, pain, and dizziness. All the classic symptoms, and once you experience them, you know what is coming... a migraine. To be honest, if you have ever had one, you may have thought that you were somehow cursed, because they suck. I've had migraines since I was in my late teens. After trying a lot of different prescription drugs, most of which I didn't like, I decided that maybe an OTC medicine would be worth it for me. Or I could just become a hermit and live in my black hole of a bedroom.
Once I became a mom, a friend told me about Excedrin®, and suggested I give it a try. After doing research, I found out that Excedrin® Migraine starts to relieve migraine pain in 30 minutes and is the #1 Neurologist Recommended Among OTC medicine for migraines. Symphony Health Solutions, 2016. After reading that, I decided to give it a try, because moms aren't allowed to be hermits; and there would be instances when I couldn't shut myself off from the world to deal with a migraine, like when I had a little boy's birthday party to get ready for.
Lil Man's 6th birthday party was in September, and I woke up feeling like I had gotten punched in the face and I knew what was up. When I started to get ready for the party, and saw squiggly lines in front of my face, I reached for one thing: Excedrin® Migraine.
My migraines generally have two characteristics: they are brought on by stress and can last for several days. Waking up that morning, I knew I couldn't just crawl back into bed. I mean, it was my little boy's party, and I had so much to do. With almost 60 people coming to celebrate, food to be made, and decorating to be done, I definitely couldn't be down for two to three days, let alone more than an hour.
So what did I do?
I took two Excedrin® Migraine pills and after about 45 minutes, I was ready to go. Which was pretty awesome!
After the party, I knew that Excedrin® Migraine would be the answer to most, if not all, of my migraines, and decided that I needed a way to always have it available. So, I created the perfect purse emergency pack; which was super easy to do!
Step 1. find a cute bag.
When I was looking for a bag, I wanted something small, but something that would hold my stuff. Currently, I use a small bag with a water-resistant coated lining. With the lining, I don't have to worry about spilling and the bag is protected. I thought about using a clear zipper bag, but decided that if it was going it in my purse, then it had to be cute.
Step 2. gather contents for the bag.
The contents of the bag are a matter of personal choice, but here's mine:
1 | lip balm. I tend to have dry lips a lot, especially in the winter.
2 | hand sanitizer spray. I swear, my child is always getting dirty and touching things. Having a spray-on hand sanitizer is not only convenient, but it's also easy for kids to use.
3 | hair tie & bobby pins. Self explanatory.
4 | anti-bacterial spray and bandages. My child is always getting hurt, and with an anti-bacterial boo boo spray, I am able to protect his ouchys without having to touch the blood (if it's there).
5 | laundry wipes. No matter what I am wearing, I always tend to spill things.
6 | small pack of tissue. Do you know how many times I have been somewhere and needed a tissue, but didn't have it? Way too many. Especially in the winter.
7 | tampons or pads. No girl wants to be surprised and not have some supplies. There is nothing worse than a makeshift pad made out of toilet paper.
8 | gum. I am always chewing gum, especially when I'm driving.
9 | lotion. Dry hands are the devil, and I love keeping a travel size lotion on me for a two reasons: dry hands and flyaways.
10 | Excedrin®. I generally have two types of Excedrin® on me at all times: Excedrin® Migraine and Excedrin® Tension Headache. Being a blogger means that I am usually on the computer, and I will get small tension headaches. I really liked that the Excedrin® Tension Headache doesn't contain aspirin and is right to the point.
One thing that I love about all Excedrin® products is the fact that they are easily available at Walmart in the pain relief aisle. The Excedrin® family of pain relievers include the Excedrin® Extra Strength, Excedrin® Migraine, Excedrin® Tension Headache, and Excedrin® PM Headache, and each one can provide fast relief for multiple types of headaches, because headaches require a headache solution.

For me, whenever I have a migraine, I choose Excedrin® Migraine, because I know that it will provide fast relief for those moments that I just can't miss.
Have you ever tried Excedrin® products?

*Please note: All Excedrin® products should be used as directed. You should not take Excedrin® Extra Strength or Excedrin® Tension Headache if you are under 18 years old, are pregnant, or are breast-feeding. Before using Excedrin® Migraine, please consult your doctor if you think you are suffering from migraines.
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