I always love doing a monthly recap, especially on the last day of the month. It helps me put down in words either my progress, happy moments, stress, or down right want to cry times. Today, of course, is going to be a little of all of them.

In my personal world, January in words... (sorry to be all "woo is me")
- My car was backed into. See damage here.
- We found out that the hubby's car is going to need a blower motor- meaning there is a possibility of it going out and then he won't have any heat. And we just don't have the extra money right now.
- My check is over three weeks late. I have contacted my employer on several occasions, and it finally came down to the fact that my hours were submitted late. I am contracted through a local school system to work at the county's juvenile detention, meaning that my boss at detention submits my hours. Apparently, this month they first changed the pay days, and then I never received my 2nd check of the month due to hours being late, both without even an email as to what was going on. When you have a job, you depend on money, and for the past 9 months, it had been in my account every two weeks. This month was not the case, and I'm downright dissatisfied and disappointed in my employer. They should have communicated to me what was going on. I shouldn't have to hunt someone down via email. *I finally talked to someone, and the soonest I will be getting paid is Feb 5.
- Sinus issue are kicking in, because of the off weather we have been having in Northwest Indiana.
- I put in two job applications. Each were for a position in county government and I'm not sure if I'm hopeful. Yes, I love my current job, but the pay just isn't there. And after the pay fiasco, it's time to move on.
- We brought Ellie home. I thought bringing home a puppy after what happened would bring some happiness into the house. All it had done in the beginning was create stress and sleep deprivation. But, after about a week, I think that we are finally into a routine- Ellie sleeps from about 10:30p- anywhere around 6-6:45a, and I am so thankful. Oh, and she sleeps in the crate.
- I've been doing a purge of my house. It occurred to me that I just have way to much stuff, and my goal for the month was to purge my house.
- Lil Man was introduced to Snapchat (tl_tinywishes) and loves to send videos.
Blog wise, I think that life was a bit better....
- I am currently a co-host in a giveaway.
- I have posted about twice a week, for the past three weeks.
- I fixed my blog design.
- I participated in a box swap.
- I posted about hair color care.
- I confessed the real reason I had went to grad school.
So that was January.... I am hoping that February treats me and my family a bit better.
Always say yes to the wine.

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