5 things I learned this week

Happy Friday friends! And Happy Birthday America!

Today, instead of counting down the five best moments of my week, I am going to share what I learned this week, because in all reality, my life has kinda sucked. 

1. Just breathe. The weekend had been hell for me at work, and it was the second time in a year that I actually thought of quitting. And to make it worse, I received e-mails that made me feel like I was doing everything wrong. When I went in on Monday, I talked with a co-worker and she told me not to take anything personally. She explained that sometimes e-mails can come across wrongly, since it's only words and it's really hard to hear the emotion or how it's meant to be said. She told me to just breathe, and tried to make me laugh by saying that at least I had gotten dressed, so apparently I wasn't doing everything wrong.

2. Children are a handful, but so worth it. Lil Man had been up my ass all week (in an annoying way), but yesterday he was amazingly loving, and cuddly. He was sitting on my lap almost the whole time before I went back to pre-op, and then when he saw me in pre-op, he just laid on me. His cuddling instantly put me at ease. I guess it's just our bond, and I really love it.

3. Anxiety is overrated. Yes, I am referring to my gall badder surgery again. I had anxiety for the past two week, and yesterday, it finally came to a head. I felt like I wanted to throw up the entire time at the hospital, and then once the doctor was late by forty-five minutes, and they gave me the "awesome" drugs, I was fine. 

4. Firework shows are so much better than spending money. After surgery, I went home to rest, and then when it got dark, we went to see a fireworks show in the next town over. The show would have cost a regular person over $500, and I am so happy I don't have to pay for it! And I'm happy that the hubby got to celebrate, because he had to work today.

5. Family is irreplaceable. Sure, my family and I have ups and downs, but my parents and my husband have been amazing the past few days. My parents have been taking care of Lil Man, so I can rest, and my hubby has been helping me with getting around. Gosh, I really love them!

How has your week been? Learn anything new?


  1. I'm just glad everything worked out!

  2. Hey Tabitha!! Hope you had an amazing 4th of July weekend!! Sorry work was a pain in the butt though but most importantly i'm glad everything went great with your surgery!! I agree with all of the above!! Sometimes I have to remember to just breathe and not stress myself out so much over things. I have your button and would love to swap! Didnt know if you had received my email back! I LOVE the new look by the way!! ;D Talk soon my dear and bye for now!! XOXO



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