i have received a couple of boxes, and this time i received the #tlcvox box; which was sent to moms. the #tlcvoxbox included a shell fuel rewards card, a coupon for a free tube of breyers gelato indulgences, puffs to go, neosporin neo to go, ivory bar soap, and avon anew reversalist express wrinkle smoother.

in all honesty, i was actually a little disappointed in this box. sure, i shouldn't be saying that, but i pride myself in being completely honest with you guys. i mean, i have gotten way better boxes from influenster, and the other three boxes they sent out in june were 110% better.
but this review isn't about my feelings towards the box, it's purpose is to review the products inside the box.
first, i was actually happy with the coupon for the free gelato. i had never tried gelato, and was very impressed overall. it tasted smoother then regular ice cream, and came in tiramisu. mmmmm. i will definately be going back to get another flavor in the future. second, i liked that in the box was the neo to go. as a mom, you never know what can happen, so having a sprayable neosporin in case of accidents, is a great idea. i haven't used it yet, but i'm happy to have it just in case. the third and final thing that i liked was the puffs. i love puffs, because they don't tear easily, and hold alot of snot. yes, i just said that. i have allergies, and so does my son, and well, allergies = snot.
i won't be using the ivory- i have an allergy to it- but i will be heading to pinterest to find another use for the soap bar :) the fuel rewards- which hasn't been activated as of yet- can help people save alot of money, and is a great idea. it's rather nice to see shell jumping on the rewards train. and last but certainly not least, the avon anew wrinkle smoother. personally, i don't have any wrinkles- so i can't attest to it's wrinkle smoothing powers- but i can tell you that it made my face rather soft, and smoothed out my under eye area.
so overall, yes, i was a little disappointed in the box itself- but not the products.

I'm wondering when they will send out boxes that aren't for mom's.