About a month ago, my family and I moved, and to tell the truth, it sucked! Fortunately, I only had to pack up a one bedroom house and essentially move all the essentials- clothes, toys, bed, animals, etc, to my parents- which was like 100 feet behind my current residence, but it still irritated me. And set my procrastination self into overdrive! Anyways, after moving, I am sharing 7 things that I learned and would do differently.
1) Remember that everyone does it
I normally don't blast my business out there, but as I was complaining on social media about moving, someone was like, "Hey, I did it last week." At that moment, I realized that even though the packing and moving all of my stuff really blew, every has done it at least once in their life.
2) Reach out
If you are in need of something like boxes, then reach out to people. Just like I just said- everyone moves- so I can guarantee that unless you live in a rather small town where no one moves, chances are someone will have some boxes. Also, if you are moving into your first place or need some help with someone watching your animals, I am pretty sure that there is someone out there to help you, too.
3) Ask for help
Truth is, we just moved a one bedroom house using only trucks and no, I am not talking about the moving kind. So in our situation, we asked our friends with trucks for their help. In other situations- like the ones that need a moving truck, don't be afraid to as a neighbor, a friend, a cousin, ex-boyfriend- whoever that can help you get your job done, to help you move your stuff. *I probably wouldn't ask an ex though...
4) Make a check list
The easiest think that I did before we moved was make a check list of all the things that we would immediately need at the new place- meds, clothes, phone chargers, etc- and then when it came time to pack those things, I put them in one tote. I also had to make a check list of the things that were going to storage and things that were coming with us, furniture wise.
5) Don't try to do it in one day
When we moved, I had about 15-20% of our house packed up the few days before. On the day of, I was both packing and moving things. I DO NOT recommend doing that. Yes, there are a few things that you are unable to pack before a move- essentials, bedding, maybe some other items, but in order to avoid a meltdown, try and be proactive when packing.
6) Clean laundry is best
The few days before we moved, I started doing the laundry so everything would be clean when we moved. I wasn't able to get it done, so that lead to stuffing dirty laundry in black bags and taking them with us. While having to worry about unpacking, I also had to worry about dirty clothes and trying to find time to get them washed. It blew. Don't do that.
7) If all else fails, hire a moving company
You may think that I am kidding, but I'm not... if all else fails, hire a moving company. They may cost a pretty penny, but a moving company will come in, pack all of your stuff, and then move it to your desired destination. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy your bottle of wine.
I really hope that one of these tips help with your upcoming move! Do you have any tips for people moving soon?

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