Friday Confessions (& freebie Friday)

Everyone tends to rejoice that Friday is the last day of the week... I on the other hand, am usually working, so even though the weekend is coming, I don't really get to enjoy it until I pick my kid up from school. But then again, that's fine. Usually we go get milk shakes and then maybe get a movie, and then it's smooth sailing, being lazy all night till bed time.

And honestly, it's a good Friday.

I mean, sure I would love to go out with the girls or something, but who needs all that? I have wine in my fridge, and my view is this: why pay like $8 for a glass of wine when I have a few bottles in the fridge and why drink and drive, when I can sit at home in my comfy joggers and binge watch Netflix?

It's the truth. But I am rambling. Where was I going with all this?

Oh yeah- Friday confessions...

*I've been doing a lot of sponsored posts lately, and in all honesty, I want to apologize. I usually space out my sponsored ones (meaning I only try to do one a week), but a recent campaign didn't allow for that, and I had to do some of them back to back. And I have a few more coming next week. Basically, I'm sorry, and I promise I haven't sold my soul. Yet.

*I'm not happy about the fact that I may have to go back to work... full time. Currently I am working part-time, and by part-time, I mean like 10 hours a week, and it's not cutting it any more. I had big dreams about making a million dollars blogging and freelancing, but I'm not really seeing enough just yet. I have a little coming in (hence the sponsored posts), and that's great, but I have made myself a promise: if I don't have my shit together and I am not seeing a good amount of money coming in by the end of November, then I am going back to work after the holidays. Plain and simple.

*I finally went to the hematologist, and got my answers... I'm fine. All my blood work came back and blood wise, I am fine. I may be tired, and my back hurts like a mo fo, but I am fine.

*I am really loving the new Maurices fall line... and once I get the money, my style will definitely be updated. Oh, and I need some more destructed jeans in my life. 

*Since I feel bad about the whole sponsored posts blasting at you, I made this freebie printable for you. Just click here, and download it. 

Have a happy Friday!

**Cheers to the weekend and Diary of a Real Housewife, the high five for Friday gals, the oh, hey Friday gals, Momfessionals & gang, Meet @ the Barre,the Friday blog hop, & the Five on Friday gals.

free fall printable

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