Monday, June 20, is the official start of summer, and being a "seasoned" blogger, I will be going into my second blogging summer. Since I am a bit experienced, I am going to share some truth with you right now: your page views are going to go down until about August. It happens. And it happens because while everyone is out having fun in the sun, the reality is: they aren't reading your blog as much. But you don't have to be discouraged about summer blogging, because I have five tips on how to make the summer work for you!

1. Take a break
Since the page views are going down, why not take a break. If you are posting five days a week, then decrease to three. You know that you would rather be out spending time with your family, so don't stress about the page views and posting so often.
2. Refurbish old blog posts
Downtime is the time to start brushing up those old blog posts, and making them fit with your overall theme. Or even pretty up those pictures. You can also make Pinterest worthy images, so those posts can be pinned.
3. Increase your social media standing
While editing and making your old content feel like new again, why not promote them via social media? Start blasting them on Twitter, join a Blogging Facebook group, take pretty pictures for Instagram, increase your engagement on Snapchat.
4. Educate yourself / Brush up your skills
Instead of spending hours getting blog posts ready for the week, why not watch some webinars, browse some Pinterest boards, finally learn Photoshop, take a photography class, design a newsletter or freebie, etc. Whatever interests you, then do it.
5. Try some freelance
Have you ever dreamed of freelancing your skills? Why not try to get published on Huffington Post, or apply for an online writing gig that actually pays. If your blog posts aren't going to get the views you want, maybe you can increase your skills and publish somewhere where your hard work will pay off.
Have you ever "gone through" a blogging summer? How did you make it work for youself?
In case you missed it:
**Cheers to the weekend and Diary of a Real Housewife, the high five for Friday gals, the oh, hey Friday gals, Momfessionals & gang, Meet @ the Barre,the Friday blog hop, & the Five on Friday gals.
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