A new month means a clean slate and another chance to start in on those lovely monthly goals that everyone, including me, likes to make. And since today is the first day of sweater weather, pumpkin candles, riding boots, pumpkin picking, leaf pile jumping, apple cider, big fluffy blankets, scarves... aka October, and it's the perfect day to share my goals.
So we are going to review my September goals, to see where I am, and then talk about my October goals.
September Blog Goals
Post more than once a week
I am working on this one. It's all about time management.
Take new profile pictures
Did you see the new one? :)
Redo old blog posts
As I said in September, this is a longer term goal, due to the work that it takes. To date, I have 402 published posts and I am looking at refreshing at least 200 of those.
Take some time and learn Photoshop
Literally never going to happen... this is definitely put on the back burner.
September Personal Goals
Spend more quality one on one time with my kid
This is an ongoing goal- and I love the moments we have started sharing.
Make a budget
Carrying over to October. See why below.
Experiment with my hair
I think I have been doing good with this one- I have ventured into braiding and second day curls.
Take more time for myself... and read more.
I am currently reading four books and almost done with one. I will be sharing my current reads next week.
October Goals
This month, I am combining my blog and personal goals for a couple of different reasons. One- most of my goals from the previous month are rolling over, and two- I need to downsize in goals.
My top five goals for October are:
To make a budget and stick to it
I know there are only three months left in this year, but my goal is to actually make and stick to a budget. Why? Because the holidays are coming up and I really need to curb my spending. And I want to see all of our money is going. Or not going.
Enhance my time management skills
I have been in this rut where I am trying to give a 110% to every thing that I do- work, blog, spend time with my son and hubby, clean, and take time for myself. It's exhausting. And things fail. This month I am going to make a laundry/cleaning schedule, a blog schedule, and set aside a day (most likely Sunday) when I am not blogging, cleaning, or on social media, and devoting my whole 24 hours to the people who matter the most: my family.
Eat healthier
Yeah, I'm the girl that makes healthy eating a goal the month before the holidays truly begin. But- it's a priority now. I have been eating fast food at least 3 times a week and I can feel it. The main goal here is to start making and taking my lunch to work. A lunch meat sandwich and chips has got to be healthier than a double cheeseburger with fries from Burger King any day.
Grow my blog
Did you know I haven't advertised on a blog in like 6 months... yeah. It's sad.I see all the bloggers around me growing their blog via social media and new followers, but I am stuck on an island. Not really, but it feels like that sometimes. I need to make a new blog button, advertise more, interact more, post on social media more, etc but above all, I need to publish some amazing content more than once a week.
Start cleaning and purging my house
I'm a girl, thus, I just have way too much crap. If I start now, then I will have less to do in January (my annual purge month). Plus, maybe I can weed out some of my clothes I can wear/are too big, sell them, and make some money to add to my budget.
Did you make any October goals?
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