Sometimes I'm not exactly sure why I keep this space open and continue to write.
Before getting a Monday thru Friday job, blogging was definitely my passion. I made it my job to post at least 4-5 times a week, and I loved the fact that I would see my page views soar. It was intoxicating to see the number of followers I had after a giveaway, or after the first day of sponsoring another blog. Side note: I haven't sponsored anyone in over three months... (except for my swaps). I'd get a high when I would receive comment notifications and loved replying to the people who so found my post so engaging that they wanted to tell me what they thought. I loved pulling up my blog on my phone and just admiring my hand crafted blog design. I had fun designing and redesigning my design and launching that small change. It was more than a hobby to me. It was a non-paid, fun as hell, second job, that I loved to do.
But then my priorities changed. The time I set aside for blogging slowly was pushed to the next day, every day. Laundry and dishes took more importance than sitting at the computer and taking pictures for the blog turned into taking pictures of my son playing in the yard. And now summer's here... and we all know what happens to page views and readers in the summer for bloggers...
In all honesty, I do still love Blogging and in September, I will be celebrating my 2 years of it. I love my dedicated readers and the people I have met and the friendships I have started and the redesigning like a fool and the rep-ins and the comments and the lists and the picture editing and the.... shit this list can go on for pages... Basically I still love it all.
And the reason I am telling you all this? In order to avoid the impending burn out, I'm not going to be around that much. Now, I am not going to go a month in between my posts, I've worked too hard to let everything go to hell. So, my goal is to post a minimum of twice a week. I still have things I want to share, so I can't tell you if I'm going to be posting my best stuff this summer, but I will promise to try. And I hope you will stay around :)

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