ten things I wouldn't normally want to do... if I wasn't a blogger

Being a blogger is a pretty nice hobby... you get to "meet" people, make friends, feel a since of community, and even get some pretty awesome free stuff in the mix. But there is always those things that you wouldn't normally do if you weren't a blogger... 

things like...

1. Have a another baby just for the sake of bump dates and all that jazz.
Of course I really wouldn't do this, but c'mon.... well maybe if the baby was already potty trained, then I would think about it. 

2. Get divorced and then remarried, just so that I can use my Pinterest board of ideas and have a kick ass wedding planning series to post on the blog (renewing my vows and then having a pretty awesome after party would serve this want too). 

3. Get a DSLR camera. 
Sure, I've wanted a Cannon EOS Rebel for the longest time, mostly because of the awesome courses I could take to learn how to use it and then take amazing pictures, but since I am not an actual photographer, spending almost $600 bucks on a camera is a bit unreal. And the fact that my student loan sharks are finally coming at me for my Grad school loans... well, I don't see a DSLR in my future anytime soon.

4. Remodel every room in my house, and then take pictures of it. 
Readers love the whole DIY house remods... just look on Pinterest. 

5. Document my beauty routine, #ootd,  & #motd, everyday. 
Just look on Insta... that shit gets mad likes.

6. Think in lists. 
Bloggers tend to do these things. Every post is in lists of 5's. Why? Because who really wants to read a list of 4? or 8? And doesn't the title "10 things I hate about you" sound alot better than "7 things I hate about you"?

7. Take pictures of my beauty hauls. 
Insta is a place for bragging about things that you bought, and I'm no different.  

8. Subscribe to every subscription box on the market. 
Just for the sake of having a series named sub boxes. 

9. Do stuff for the sake of photographing it for the blog. 
Everything I do has a photo opportunity. Whether it be going to the beach, on a Target trip, Starbucks run,  or even taking a walk in my yard, there are opportunities for pics and my phone is attached to my hand (most of the time). 

10. Make lists about things that I wouldn't do if I wasn't a blogger. 
Plain and simple.

What wouldn't you want to do, if you weren't a blogger?

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