Awesome things // May edition

On Tuesday, Anne published her awesome things linknup. I usually link up with her, but this past Tuesday I was such in a hurry to get a post out, because I didn't want to disappoint,  and didn't realize that I was going to miss the linky. So to rectify the situation,  I am giving you the post today :)

May is an awesome month as it is. Two of my three brothers have birthdays, wedding season is starting up, the flowers are blooming in full force, Lil Man is finally able to get outside and burn off all that pent up four year old boy energy... this list could go on and on. But allow me to give you my top ten awesome things about the month of May...

Justin Timberlake Memes. C'mon, if you don't love them, then apparently you were a child of the 90's.


Warmer weather. May is usually type month when the cooler weather starts to subside and the warm is breaking through. It doesn't generally rain, so my allergies are good. Yard work is finally able to be complete, and the lawn is able to be mowed.

Sunburns. Ok, I know this one sounds a bit off, but just go with me here. Since the weather is usually nice, I am able to get yard work done. And since I have fair skin, I burn. #redheadproblems BUT burns lead to a nice tan. Therefore, a sunburn is just a gateway to not looking like a pasty hermit. Simple?

Mother's Day. This will be my 4th actual Mother's day, and honestly, I love it. I love being a mom! I love receiving a card with scribbles all over it, hugs all day, and being told "happy mommy's day" like every five minutes. It's just nice.

Memorial Day. Memorial Day is usually our "opening day" zoo day, and I am looking so forward to it. I am generally off of work, so it's just a really nice family day for us.

Flowers. April showers sure do bring May flowers... and allergies. But I love the colors that fill the yards, the smell of Lilac and Flowering Plums that fill the air, and the backdrops that the beautifulness provides for my bloggy pictures.

Being able to leave the windows open. May is sorta that in between month, kinda like September and October. The windows are able to be opened and the air isn't needed yet. And it's kinda like a contest to see how long you can withstand the humidity before breaking down.

Grilling out. Give me a chicken breast that was cooked on the grill, and a beer, and I will be one happy camper. There is just something about food cooked on the grill, propane or charcoal, that gives it that something extra.

Spring Storms. Though they aren't as powerful as the summer ones, Spring thunderstorms are awesome to listen to. Plus they are Mother Nature's way of watering all the plants, flowers, and trees to keep them beautiful. And I get a free car wash.

Flip Flops. April is sort of a whisy washy month, and like every other day is usually filled with rain.... BUT May isn't! May is my "opening month" for bring out the 108,058,957 colors of flip flops that I own and strewing them all over the shoe shelf. Cause we all know they aren't gonna be leaving until the snow hits the ground.

**Linking up with Anne

Do you and I have some similarities in what we love about the month of May?
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