I love a good Coach purse. I mean who doesn't? Sure they are a bit expensive, but the craftsmanship is amazing, the prints are pretty as anything, and if you keep them in good shape, they keep their value. Buying a Coach purse is really an investment, if you think about it.
But this post isn't about my beautiful IKAT print convertible duffle & crossbody pictured above, it's about what I actually put in it.
What ever the purse I have (I tend to change purses depending on the season- brights for warmer weather, darks for cooler), I always carry the same things. Why? Because my purse is literally my life.
So what does the life of a part-time stay at home mom look like? Crazy, that's what!
So in my purse, I keep:

an assortment of lib/beauty products
bobbie pins & hair ties
deodorant (you never know...)
hand santizer

Wet Ones or some type of antibacterial wipes
a play pack for Lil Man
tail mix or a Nice Bar
Colgate Wisps
Not pictured
nail file
blotting tissues
notebook / post-it pad

Last, but not least, I keep my beautiful pink Coach wallet- which includes cash money, plastic that I really don't need due to the high percentage rates, but can't seem to get rid of because I have an addiction to shopping, health insurance cards, frequent shopper cars (i.e. Ulta, Sephora, Maurices), pictures of me and Lil Man, stamps, and other miscellaneous things that no one but me, cares about.

I love coach too. I got a mk and it fell apart, wrote a whole post about this lol. Basically I will be sticking with Coach permanently from now on!