So, as I was browsing through blogs the other day, I came across the cutest little thing ever. I love reading Cosmo (what girl doesn't?) and reading the quizzes that the cover celeb usually fills out. I have even imagined myself becoming famous, and actually filling one out for myself, but for now, this will do :)

Erin, over at Two Thirds Hazel, came up with the template for this little Blogmopolitian quiz, and I am definitely in love. You can also head over to her blog and read the other participant's answers (the link is in Erin's blog title).
I know this is one of those things that should be posted on Thursdays for my "All About Me" Thursdays, but I didn't see the quiz until after I had posted my post this week, and then the next day, Friday, was my super awesome week recap post, and well, I finally get to post it today.
So did you enjoy? I hope so!
Procrastinators, unite!!!! Well, later. :P