So it happened last week... I turned 30... And I'm totally ok with it.
Why? Because it was a really good birthday!
I decided to work a half day instead of taking off. So after I got off work, I stopped at Starbucks for some FREE yummy goodness, and then came home to a surprise that I can't really talk about right now. Just know that I'm pretty psyched and can't wait to share the news with everyone. Then we went to take Christmas card pictures at a Christmas tree farm a few towns away. If I could handle a real tree, I would so have one! And the pictures turned out really good... well the ones where my Lil Man wasn't being a total goof!

After pics, it was dinner at the OG. That's Olive Garden, if you don't know :) My parents and one of my brothers joined us, so it was a real treat. And of course, my mom told the waiter it was my birthday, which wasn't so bad when I got a free desert... and my family sang to me.
After dinner, my parents took Lil Man, and the hubby and I stopped by the liquor store for some champagne. Then we went back to my parent's house to eat the cake my hubby and Lil Man got me. Then we went home, Lil Man went to bed, and I did too shortly after.

Of course, I didn't go out or have a huge party, because simply put, that's not what was important to me. Getting the new Adele cd (which I am smitten with) and spending time with family is what was. Of course, not in that order.
Getting older makes you think more about the responsibilities and priorities that you have and the fact that you are an adult and maybe getting shit faced and nursing a hangover with a five year old really isn't a good idea. And maybe lying about my age is going to be a thing of the past, because I have to admit it, I think I look damn good for thirty!
Getting older makes you think more about the responsibilities and priorities that you have and the fact that you are an adult and maybe getting shit faced and nursing a hangover with a five year old really isn't a good idea. And maybe lying about my age is going to be a thing of the past, because I have to admit it, I think I look damn good for thirty!
Always say yes to the wine.

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