This week has rocked my family to its core. The sweet, adorable, and much loved little puppy that my parents had been carrying for, received a grim diagnosis on Monday, and on Wednesday, he went to heaven.
Today would have been his one month birthday. He would have been one month today...

Yes, I am talking about a fur baby. And yes, we are grieving, because just like humans, a helpless puppy was part of our family for three and a half weeks; and loved.
He came into this world as a surprise, no one knew his mom was pregnant- not even a vet, and he was the runt of the litter. His mom tossed him aside two days later due to inability to nurse, and he was left for dead. Luckily, my parents graciously accepted to take in and attempt to raise the little guy.
Everyone knew it would be hard with round the clock feedings and constant care, but they really didn't care. Not many people are lucky enough to hold a life in their hands, literally, but we were. In the time that Ruger spent with us, my mother had been at his every beck and call. Sure my parents knew that raising a three day old puppy would entail round the clock feedings with a milk replacement and tiny bottle, and the normal things, but they were unaware of the unforeseen issues that would arise.

At a little over a week old, Ruger was diagnosed with cleft pallet and my parents were told that he would need surgery to close the gaping hole that was in the roof of his mouth. Everyone was stunned. But they were accommodating his newly bestowed special needs status. And Ruger was thriving. He was gaining weight and reaching his puppy milestones.
At two weeks he was starting to open his beautiful blue eyes and could actually hear. He was loving, and showing his love by licking.

On Monday, Ruger wasn't doing well. A trip to the vet revealed the possibility of fluid on his brain and it was ordered that he was to be tube fed, to avoid aspiration. At the visit, the vet said that Ruger would never be normal, and have issues for the rest of his life. They gave him shots of antibiotics. My parents were sad, but determined to give Ruger the best kind of life possible. They gave him two weeks. After that two weeks, if he wasn't doing any better, they would make the decision to release him in to heaven or not. Basically, Ruger would be walking a fine line between life and death.
Tuesday, Ruger was doing better. He was still acting sluggish, but was slowly getting back to being the voice-truss little puppy we all knew and loved.
Wednesday morning, Ruger walked. The vet said that he would never walk, but he did. And it seemed as if he was defying the odds. Unfortunately by the afternoon, he was seizing and was rushed to the vet. After injections of anti-seizure medications, the seizure didn't stop. The vet told my parents that if Ruger came out of the seizure, then there was a plausibility that half of his brain would die.
At that point, my mom made a hard decision. She said that she didn't want Ruger to suffer anymore and decided to let him go. A shot was given and a three week old puppy, who was just two short days away from his one month birthday, went to meet his maker while being surrounded with love.
Ruger was special. Not only to us, but to everyone he met. He will always be loved.

Good bye my little Ruger Booger. You will always be in my heart. I love you.

I'm so sorry for your loss. That little guy seems to have gotten so much love in his short life. I am glad your parents took him in and gave him the best life possible, even if it was short. Sending hugs!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. :[[[
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. He did get so much love and for a little while, he was out whole world.
ReplyDeleteTears filled my eyes reading this post. I know the pain that comes with losing a fur baby and it isn't easy-at all. I wish y'all would have had more time with Ruger. It's so great that y'all surrounded him with love during his 3 and a half weeks on Earth.
ReplyDeleteHeartbreaking, so sad for y'all. All dogs go to heaven.
ReplyDeleteMy heart just shattered into a million pieces for you... I'm so sorry for the loss of your family's baby. Ruger will absolutely watch over your family from puppy heaven and take care of each and every one of you like you all did for him. You guys filled his short little life with love and dedication and comfort- everything dogs want and need.
ReplyDeleteThat they do... and it helps knowing that he is there with my relatives that have past.
ReplyDeleteI wish we would have had more time too... Lil Man asks about him all the time. I don't think it will ever be easy to lose a fur baby, especially when they make such an impact on you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. It's still hard to look at his pictures, but knowing that he is in a "better place"- one without pain, helps a little bit. He definitely was loved.
ReplyDeleteI never click on stuff like this because like right this minute my heart just broke and I am in complete tears. It's amazing what an animal can do to a family and how easily we fall in love with them. I am so sorry during this time. Send love,hugs and prayers straight your way. He's no longer suffering! <3